Tuesday, December 22, 2009



Friday, December 18, 2009


I don't think I have been this excited for Christmas since I was 8 years old :)

Thursday, December 10, 2009


That is how many days it is until Jackie is here !!  I am so freakin excited, I think I peed a little in my pants just now thinking about it.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Bringing Mom home for Christmas...

Well, I flew to Ohio on Friday morning and Jackie picked me up at the airport in Cincinnati.  When I called her to see where she was at after I got off the plane, she said she was at the luggage pick up.  I think she was going for the whole Kodak moment by meeting me at the luggage pickup and giving me a big hug.   I followed the signs to the luggage pick up area and....No Jackie.  I call her again and she was insistent that she was at the pick up between 1 & 2, I tell her well that's where I was and she was not there, I finally ask what terminal she's at and ...unfortunately, she was waiting at the luggage pick up in terminal 3 and I, well, I was at the luggage pick up in terminal 2 :(

She has to get her car out of the parking garage and drive around to pick me up :)

So we get on the road and she says there is a traffic back-up on 75 and should we take the by-pass?  I tell her go for it.  I then say that I'm hungry and she is too.

Guess what?  the first exit we come to has a FRISCHES BIG BOY...yummmm my favorite!

She got breakfast and I, of course, had the Junior Big Boy w/fries and salad bar....I wanted a nap BAD after that.

We got back on the road and got to Mom's around 1pm.  We visited for a few minutes.  Mom wanted to watch the rest of her soaps so Jackie and I decided to go to Kroger's so I could get some Skyline Chili to bring home with me.  On our way we decided to stop at Linda Goodpaster's...I have not seen her since before we moved to Louisiana 5 years ago!

She looked really good, we had a great visit but couldn't stay real long.  We left and headed to Krogers for my Chili...(Rob LOVES Skyline).

After we got back to Mom's we loaded her car with just about everything except the kitchen sink!  Really though, she didn't bring all that much considering she's staying for 3 1/2 months.

Jackie left to go home and clean up a little (she claims her house was messy).  Mom and I relaxed a little then called in Marion's pizza to pick up.

We went to Marion's and got the pizza's and then headed to Jackie's (during the 5:00 rush hour) Brilliant plan of mine, NOT.

We finally get to Jackie's and her house is all decorated with lights outside and her tree is in the front window...it was so pretty...My baby girl, all grown up...makes me want to cry a little!

We ate the pizza, visited with Shan, Jackie and Vincent for a while.  Shan gave me a beautiful wooden snowman! and a box of summer sausage & cheese!  She's so nice...I hate that I didn't think to get her anything :(

Mom and I headed back to her house about 7pm.  I called Vanessa to let her know I was at mom's and she should stop by to see me.

Of course she came over, unfortunately, I fell asleep before she got there, so the first 20 minutes or so, I was trying to wake up enough to pay attention :)

We had a really good visit, albeit, a really late visit!  She didn't leave until midnight and Mom & I were getting up at 5am to get ready to leave!  I loved seeing Vanessa and wish I could have had more time with her.

Well, Mom and I put our excited selves to bed.  I woke up around 6:18am (or so I thought due to the clock in the room I was in said it was 6:18am) and freaked out a little!  I went straight into mom's room and laid on her bed..she woke up, patted my face and I said "It's just like Christmas morning!, I'm so excited!"...She called me silly and got up. It was actually 5:18am...she had never set the clock back in the room I was sleeping in.

We both got ready, she checked her list of things to do, checked that list at least 3 more times and we were finally on the road at 6:30am!

It was a good drive, only took 13 1/2 hours, the dogs were awesome, never once barked, had an accident in the car, moved around...they were really good.

I drove the whole way so Mom would not get stressed or upset...

We pulled in my driveway at around 7pm Louisiana time (8pm Ohio time)

We carried all her stuff inside, put our jammies on and finally relaxed...which translates as Me:sleeping on couch, Mom:watching tv.

So far, I love having my mom here!

She actually went to church this morning with us (totally didn't expect that!) and then we had lunch at the Olive Garden, came home, decorated the Christmas tree and now her and Rob are watching a movie.

I love my family so much at times it's a little scary.....