Sunday, February 10, 2013

Winter Blues

I have a severe case of the "winter blues".

I relapsed on the 'not smoking' and had to go off my Celexa so I could resume taking Chantix.

Apparently, Celexa had been masking my utter dislike of the north and all it's wintery weather.

I have resumed my Celexa.  It's for the best. My family is grateful.

Rob only has one more month to fulfill his 3 years he committed to when we transfered to the Great White North.

I want to move south so bad I can taste it.  Even if it's only as far as Bowling Green, KY or as far as Arlington, TX.  I. Just. Want. Out. Of. The. North.

I do not want Youngstown, OH to be the place I grow old in.

We have to get the house updated before we can even consider putting it up for sale. 

If and when we buy another, updating will NOT be something that will need done.

We began painting the downstairs.  The colors I chose did not go on as I had envisioned.

We had a 'Mexican Restaurant' color scheme going on.  Not what I wanted.

Rob and I went and bought new paint, new colors.  It's looking much better.

I'll post pictures, maybe, probably not. Picture taking is my daughter's thing not so much mine.

Sure hope the Celexa kicks in soon.