Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Adventures moving to Ohio

Today is Wednesday, May 12, 2010 and......
Ok, so I posted saying that "He left" on Monday...
Well, that's not really what happened.
He was supposed to leave on Monday.
We got everything packed Sunday.

I stayed home from work on Monday so I could see him off on his trip.
He and his friend, Tom and Tom's son, Tommy, are making the trip together.
Tom has a F350 Dually and a very large (31') trailer that he purchased specifically for this trip.
Tom and his son have been packing the trailer for the entire week prior to Monday.
Rob left the house around 2pm Monday.
At 5:30pm I call him to see where he is and.....
He's still at Tom's house!  He said that there was a spring on the air shock on the trailer that Rob's pulling  was broken and he has to take it in the morning to have it replaced,  Also, Tom & Tommy are still packing!!!
So he comes home and spends the night.
I get up Tuesday morning and get ready for work.
Rob gets up and we have some coffee together and I decide to go on into work and told him to text or call me when they get on the road.
I get home at 6:15pm from work, and I still had not heard from Rob.
So I send a text "Are you on the road yet? where are you?"
I receive a text back "no, Tom's still packing"
Me "O.M.G. are you serious?"
Him "yea, can you believe it?"
JC(on my phone): "So, your original plan to leave Wednesday is pretty much set in stone, huh?"
Him: "that's real funny"
Then he calls me and says that Tom told him he would rather drive at night anyway because it's cooler.
We hang up pretty quickly as I am barely able to contain my mirth and amusement.
I send him another text at 9:15pm, "I'm in bed, be safe, love you"
Him: "ok, love u"
I get up this morning (Wednesday) and send him a text asking him to call me when he gets up (I figured they had stopped at some point to get some sleep)
I was right, they had stopped, after only 155 MILES!!  He said that Tom keeps blowing a tire on the trailer, it had happened 3 times!
At this rate, it will be next Tuesday before they get there!
So, I call him on my way home from work tonight to see how the trip was going and....
They are only on the north side of Hot Springs case you are geographically-challenged, that's only 3.5 hrs from HERE!
The tow company send a flat bed that took the truck to the dealership and it can not be fixed until tomorrow and be ready around noon. And the tow company then sent a F250 to pull the trailer....when I was talking to Rob, he was following the truck, on the highway, going at the break-neck speed of....40mph.
I got online and booked them a hotel room and I really hope they made it to the Hotel for tonight without anymore mishaps.

They may make it to the Ohio border by Friday, IF they drive more than say, 45 minutes at a time before stopping for the day :)