Monday, August 16, 2010

One Month in Ohio

Well, we have been here a month, Jules and I that is, Rob's been here since May.

It's not as bad as I thought it would be, but it is harder than I realized it would be.

We sent J.C. back to Louisiana for school, but before we did, we gave him a partial emancipation, which basically gives him the rights of an adult, like where he can live, where he can go to school, sign legal documents, etc.  Rob, J.C., and myself went to the GM Attorney's office on the Friday before he flew out to sign the documents, have them notarized and copies made. After that was completed and we were headed back home,  J.C. was so excited that he took pictures of the stupid documents to send to his friends back in LA, Rob was too tired to have any thought on the subject due to dragging him out of bed before he was ready and I, being the extremely good actress that I am, appeared as if it was nothing.  On the inside though, I was devastated, weeping, and so sad that my heart actually hurt.

Let me explain myself, I love ALL my children with the same intensity, but we all have very different relationships.  My daughter and I have developed a very close mother/daughter/friendship bond, Jules and I have a love/hate relationship, I love him but hate a lot of the decisions he makes :), J.C. and I, well we went through 3 of the most difficult years of our family's life together.  We I depended heavily on each other him.  Every time I would get to a really low point, J.C. knew exactly how to bring me out of it, whether it was with a "feel-good" hug or to make me laugh.  He can make me laugh quicker than anyone I know. He is brutally honest but with so much compassion that it softens the blow of the honesty.

We finally got the house in LA rented (we really wanted to sell but the market sucks right now) so that was a HUGE relief off our shoulders.  I really need to find a job, even if it's part-time.

We will be purchasing a vehicle soon (as soon as I find a stupid job), then we will begin the search for a home to buy. And let me tell you, we moved from a 2103sf house in LA to a much smaller (I say around 1400-1600sf) house.  All of our crap stuff will not fit!!  We had to get rid of one of our 5 couches (yes, apparently I collect couches!), I have the garage at least 2/3's filled with tubs/boxes that I can not unpack due to NO WHERE TO PUT THE STUFF!  My shoes (my beautiful, wonderful shoes) are STILL in a large tub because I can't find anywhere to unpack them!  My purses are in the same predicament--in a tub with no where to put them.  So come spring when we begin house-hunting, there will be some requirements, LOTS OF CLOSET SPACE, a LARGE KITCHEN and no less than 2000sf.  I  we need my our space and I miss my stuff  :)


  1. thanksgiving will be here before you know it. i love you mom

  2. I love you too Jackie, and I know that Thanksgiving is just around the corner, but it's a loooong corner!

  3. You need to keep reminding yourself that everyone's opinion of you is that you are the best mom, daughter, sister, wife and friend anyone could ever ask or pray for. I love you sister.
