Thursday, March 31, 2011


So, we are still working on getting a closing date.


We are getting closer though.

All we are waiting on is Rob's relocation money to be deposited into our account.

THEN, we will have to make a trip to Dayton so I can go to WPCU and get a printout of our bank account showing the deposit and each page has to be signed, stamped and dated by the person that did the printout.

According to the lady in the relocation dept at GM, the funds should be deposited on April 8th, hopefully, she's right.

I would really like to close by April 15th.

Yesterday, Rob had to call a place called "The Worknumber" to get a "salary key" that I could give to the loan processor at Wells Fargo so he could verify Rob's employment & income.  Rob spent 5 minutes on the call.  He almost had a complete meltdown.

I firmly believe that if left to Rob to do everything that is needed to purchase a home, he would rent for life :)

All I know is that I am ready to get settled into a permanent home so I can finally unpack my stuff.  It will be like Christmas and I can not wait!

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