Thursday, May 5, 2011


Let me see, hmmm, if I count correctly, this is the TENTH time I have moved.  It does not get any easier.

I have come to some realizations:

  1.  I have a crapload of stuff
  2.  I LOVE my crapload of stuff
  3.  I HATE moving my crapload of stuff
  4.  I don't want to do this again unless a crapload of money is involved. 
  5.  My body and mind are at polar opposite ends of the age spectrum.
  6.  I need to become friends with a chiropractor, PRONTO 
  7.  I am glad for once, that my deadbeat son doesn't work and is here to help move the crapload of stuff.
  8.  Stairs will make you a stronger person, regardless of how slow you go up or down them, it's the shear amount of how many times you go up and down that counts.
  9.  My back and legs do not like me.
10.  I can't wait till I have all my crap and my mom's crap moved and put away.

Thanks for listening to my whiney rant. :)

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