Sunday, February 21, 2010

Cell phones

I took my boys yesterday to upgrade their cellphones.

My youngest knew exactly which phone he wanted and didn't take long at all.

My oldest on the other hand, must have taken a "drama" pill before we left.

I told him to pick a phone and he said "I want the IPhone." to which I replied, "No way, pick something else."

He then proceeded in with begging, pleading and somewhat whiny tirade of "I'll get a job", "if I don't pay, you can turn my phone off". To which I responded, "You have had 2 months to get a job, which you haven't, what makes you think I would trust you to pay your bill every month??" 

At that point he exclaims in a very loud voice, "I have been talking about getting an IPhone for the last month, if I can't have an IPhone, I'll just go home and slit my wrists (deep sigh)".

The guy that was setting up JC's phone looks up at that point looks at Jules and asks, "Dude, I like your jacket, can I have it?", which startles Jules and he looks up at the guy and says "Thanks man".

The Sales guy then says, "No really, if you are going to kill yourself, I want your jacket, it's really sweet."

Jules really had no idea how to respond so he just said again, "Thanks man".

At that point Jules walks off and we complete the transaction for JC's phone.

Jules comes back over to us and exclaims that the only other phone worth getting is the one JC got and he doesn't want the same phone as his brother.  JC (being the diplomat that he is) suggests we go over to the AT&T store and check there, that they would have more phones.

So off we go to the AT&T store, JC thanks me and kisses me by (He had drove the truck to Best Buy so he could go to a karate match that his friend was in) and Jules and I get in Grandma's car and drive over to the AT&T store.

After about 20 minutes of fretful looking, he finally finds a phone that he could live with and we get it.

I am so very thankful that the renewal contracts are only up every two years. I just don't think I could do it any more than that!

JC's Phone


  1. i think what the sales guy said is hilarious!!!!!

  2. i agree with whit! that is hilarious. so something jc would have said too!!

  3. It was hilarious....When we were leaving he looked at me and said "Wow, I feel for you".
