Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Killing Time

I start work on Tuesday, September 5th.  I am excited.  To kill time and try to not be so BORED, I decided to go to Dayton to see my mom and Jackie this past weekend.  I brought Jules with me to keep me company on the drive, plus, he's as bored as I am due to the job he had didn't work out (that's another store all on it's own!).

We got on the road about 4:30pm.  I had a hair appointment that I couldn't change and when I got home around 3:30pm Jules was in the shower (he had mowed the grass). 

Rob was up and in a very grumpy mood...I asked him why and he said, "someone mowed and let the dogs bark the entire time."   I thought to myself, " least you don't have to mow!".  BUT, I kept that to myself (working on the self-control thing) and said "Oh, well after we leave you can go back to bed and sleep as long as you like."
He snarled a little.

So anyway, I went out and checked the oil in the car to make sure it didn't need any, which it didn't (yay)  becuase Rob said he was going to go fishing and to leave the truck (I knew that he wouldn't get motivated enough to go but I wasn't going to argue with him).  I put the suitcase & bag in the car and then waited for Jules to get done.  I swear he takes longer than a girl to get ready!

We finally got on the road around 4:30pm.  I had the gps set to mom's and off we went.  Well about 20 minutes into the drive, the gps said to stay on 80, but the map showed to go on 76...I freaked out a little and ended up getting on the 80 turnpike.  Right after I realized I had made a horrible mistake but there was NO WHERE TO TURN AROUND!!  So, we went 45 miles out of our way and even had to stop at a rest area so I could get some cash to pay the stupid toll!

We got to mom's around 8:45pm (not to bad of timing considering the detour).  The rest of the evening was uneventful.

We got up Saturday and went to see Grandma & Grandaddy Baxley.  Let me tell you, I love them to pieces, I hope I am that happy when I get to be there age!  Grandma had made some buffalo chips and boy were they good!  I went outside with Grandaddy and we picked some cherry tomatoes, green peppers and looked at his flowers....I loved it!

We left there around 11:00 and headed back to mom's.  I had made plans to go over to Lisa Russell's (a high school friend) and see her house she just bought in Belmont.  It's in the neighborhood right behind the church that Rob & I got married in...Lisa and her ex also was married in that church.

So, we got Jules out of bed and he showered and we left and went to Lisa's.  It is a cute little (and I mean L.I.T.T.L.E. house), but it suits her just fine!  We went all went to Frickers for lunch and it was yummilious!  After we dropped Lisa back off at her house, we went over to Jackie's and visited till her friend with the twin girls came to visit.  They are adorable but mom was tired and to be truthful, I was too!

After we got home, I called Emily and she ended up coming over and we ate Cassano's pizza and played some 500 Rummy...Jules kicked our butts!

Emily and Jules both left and I put my jammies on and went out to the backroom and watched some tv with mom for a while.  All in all, it was a great day and I didn't get bored.

We got up Sunday and Jackie had some running around to do so she came over and we all went shopping for the better part of the day.  We went to Kohl's because Jackie needed to return a pair of Capri's (which she forgot at home so we didn't really need to go there but did anyway:)  I got a couple pair of jeans that were on clearance and a couple tops on clearance...Mom got some underwear and Jackie got....hmmm, I don't remember what she got.  But we left there and went to Bed, Bath & Beyond and Jackie got the chopper I had told her about and mom and I just wandered around the store looking at everything.  We left there and went to lunch at Fox & Hound.  It was delicious. I had a french dip sandwich with sweet potato fries and mom & Jackie shared a bbq chicken pizza.  We left there and of course, had to stop at Target (Jackie needed her fix!).  I ended up getting an insulated lunch bag since I'll be starting to work NEXT WEEK~~YAY!  Mom got some more underwear and again, I don't know what Jackie got...that's weird that I can't remember what she bought at any of the places we went...oh well.

It was getting late and I didn't want to drive back home in the dark so I decided to stay until Monday morning.  We got up around 7:30am and drank coffee, played on the computer a little, I packed up our bags and put them in the car and we left around 10:30am.

Jackie had mentioned that there was a Raising Cane's in Columbus and Jules & I were all over that!  We stopped there around 12:30pm and let me tell you, as long as I didn't look out the windows, I felt like I was back in was g.r.e.a.t. 

The one thing I didn't foresee when stopping at Cane's for lunch was how sleepy it would make my son.  

He couldn't keep his eyes open, so for the better part of the drive, this is how he was:

We arrived at home around 3:30pm and Rob, of course, was still in bed.  But all-in-all, it was a good visit and trip.


  1. i think it's funny that you can't remember what Jackie bought, and that your mom bought undies at both stores! :)
    congrats on the job!! where are you going to be working?

  2. for the record, i didnt buy anything at kohl's and i bought a pack of 100 cds & cards from target. ;)

    love you mom!

  3. Whitney-I will be working at Home Depot At-Home Services offices. Not in the store..It's a 35 min drive, but I don't care, I have seriously, not gotten dressed but 2 times this week...I'm going a little stir crazy.

    Jackie-I love you too sweetie!
