Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Car, House, Job

So here's the latest update:

Car Update:  We decided yesterday after I got home from work that it would be a great time to go look at some used cars, after all, it was storming and everything.  So off we go.  The first lot we went to had 95% foreign (my husband is a die-hard "buy American" kinda-guy) so we left there and went on to another lot that was somewhat bigger and had more of a selection.  Well, there was this sitting there, just begging us to take him home:
So after filling out some paperwork, we I drove him home :) I *heart* my husband

House Update:  FINALLY, after 50 days, we finally have a close date and time.  We will close Thursday, April 28, 2011 at 2:30pm.  If it wasn't for the due-diligence of our realtor, I do believe we would have probably backed out of the purchase.  Thank you Mike Narducci :)

Job Update:  So, I'm not sure you all know just how bad I disliked my job, but I did, it was horrible.  I was looking for something else.

I received a call from an employment agency that I had signed up with over 4 months ago.  They told me they had the perfect position for me.  It was with a GRANITE FABRICATOR/DEALER!  To say the least,  I. WAS. OVERJOYED!!  They set up a phone interview with me for the following morning (Wednesday before Good Friday).  I called the owner and talked with her for about 15 minutes and in that time had set up a face-to-face interview for the following Saturday (Jackie & Vincent were here for Easter but they didn't mind).  I contacted the employment agency and gave them the update.  The Employment agency called me back later that day and said that the lady I had spoke with wanted to make sure I didn't get lost going because the road name had changed not to long ago.  I assured her that I had a GPS and would call if I had any trouble.  I then asked Carrie (from the agency) if the company was interviewing anyone else....she said NO, that I was it and it seemed to her that the face-to-face was just a formality.  I was again, overjoyed!

In the meantime, my boss at the job I currently was at kept wanting me to do some in-depth training to take over the accounts receivables and finally on Friday, I broke down and gave my 2 weeks notice...I KNOW, I KNOW...way premature, but, I was convinced that the Saturday interview was just a formality.

I went to the interview Saturday, it was at 8:30am.  I showed up about 15 minutes early.  I talked at length with Mr.Graven (owner) and their manager (can not remember his name).  After about an hour, Mr. Graven left and I did a tour of their fab shop and granite yard with the manager.  Let me tell you, I felt right at home out there with all that equipment and stone.

Mrs. Graven (owner) came and I talked with her for about 30 minutes.  At the very end of the conversation, she asked if I had any questions and I jokingly said only one, when you would you like for me to start, to which she replied "Well we have one more interview on Monday at 4pm, I'm sure the agency didn't tell you because it's not through an agency, but we will call Tuesday or Wednesday and let you know."

My. Heart. Dropped.  What oh what have I done???  I already quit my job!!!  EEK!!

I still have high hopes that I will get this job.  Just please, say a small prayer for me?  I sure would appreciate it :)

Oh yea, one more thing...apparently they didn't want me to work out my notice, today was my last day as of 11am this morning......just in time to start packing and move


  1. I can't believe they didn't want you to at least finish out the week! Can we say JERKS!!

    Beyond excited for the closing...the house is beautiful...even the carpet in the kitchen, the color tiles in the bathrooms, and the paneling in the basement. It is perfect.

    I can't wait to come back up!

  2. I know! They are jerks, but that's ok. Everything will work out the way it's supposed to. I can't wait for you come back up and help remodel :)

  3. love the car!!! what kind is it?

    congrats on closing, and i will pray that all works out for your potential new job. there's nothing worse than spending day after day at a job you absolutely HATE!!

  4. Whit--It's a 2008 Saturn Vue. Thanks for the prayer for the job, still haven't heard anything, they wanted a few days to think about it, hope to hear something on Monday :)
