Sunday, September 16, 2012


It's been a while since I last posted.

Lots of things have happened.

Some small, some mind-blowing.

Mostly, all good things.

Mind-blowing: My daughter confided in me that she is seeing a 61yo black man.

I'm ok with everything except how old he is.  It's hard for me to wrap my head around. I know she's 30yo but my mother instinct is that he is a predator of young women.   I'm sure he's not, and I'm positive that my daughter is a better judge of character than that, but still....

My youngest son has moved to college and is doing fantastic. I really couldn't be more proud of him.  I am, however, holding back a grief so large that it literally makes my heart hurt when I think of how he will never be as close to me as we were when we lived in Louisiana. It breaks my heart.

My oldest son is still living at home, no job, no ambition, but with a heart as large as Texas and I fear he will never get out on his own and yet I secretly embrace him being with me.  It's very confusing and very hard to feel he needs to be kicked to the curb so he will learn responsibility and yet want nothing more than for him to stay with me forever.

My mom has finally adjusted to living with us and we are really happy.  The first year had some rough patches but we love each other too much to allow anything to get in the way.

My husband and I are in a great place..we are getting along better than we ever have and I believe we both have finally grown and compromised and fallen in love all over again these past two years.  He is my world.

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