Wednesday, January 9, 2013


It's the beginning of January and much has happened since my last post.

My daughter bought a house! Rob and I went to Dayton and helped her move in.

J.C. came home for three weeks at Christmas and it was....better than I expected but not as good as I always convince myself it will be.

My mom is having her lap band removed and getting the "sleeve" done on the 22nd.

Jackie has to have another knee surgery.

Rob and I had a MAJOR blow up over finances and he FINALLY has opened his own account and is paying his OWN bills so I can not be blamed for him over-spending :)

Jules is still working (he started at Things Remembered warehouse in October) and I couldn't be happier or more proud of him sticking with it and to have not been laid off after the holidays like a lot of the others he worked with.

I have come to the decision that I will embrace the house we live in (even though I do not like the stairs) and put some serious effort into updating inside and out.

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