Wednesday, April 17, 2013


I need to put this down in writing.

It is something that has been really weighing heavily on my mind.

I keep seeing posts on all social media sites concerning guns, gay marriage rights and abortion.  Most are about how guns don't kill people, people kill people and people should be allowed to have guns.

I agree that people kill people.  I don't agree that people should be allowed to own guns.

The human race is the only species that kills for sport.  Whether it is killing animals or a truly sick individual killing people.

This is wrong.  I don't care how you try to justify it, it is wrong to kill.  Wrong to kill fellow humans or animals.

I have heard several "tea party" members argue that the government needs to take a backseat in this country and let the 'people' control the country.  The problem with this is that the "people" chose to create a government to control the country and mandate laws with the people's interest at heart, way back when this country was founded.

So far, it's been working pretty well. There are definitely flaws in the system, but as a "people" elected government, we have no one to blame for these flaws except ourselves.

I am so sick of hearing the extreme right-wingers argue that "abortion" is wrong and how it should be outlawed in ALL CASES.  Yet, these same idiots believe that corporal punishment is OK. They say that gays should not have the right to marry because it's against the bible.

I don't know a lot about the bible but I am absolutely positive about this.  NO WHERE DOES THE BIBLE STATE: "THOU SHALT NOT KILL EXCEPT FOR..." or "THOU SHALT PASS JUDGEMENT BY GOD'S WORD"

I am positive that God sent Jesus to earth (and so began the NEW TESTAMENT) to teach the people that their way was wrong, "an eye for an eye" concept was WRONG. He preached that "HE WHO HAS NOT SINNED MAY CAST THE FIRST STONE."  He preached over and over that LOVE is the only way and that the ONLY JUDGE WOULD BE GOD.  No one has the power to judge someone else EXCEPT GOD.

I saw a saying on Pinterest that said it PERFECT:

"The bible is not a bag of trail mix, you can't just pick out the parts you like and not pay attention to the rest."

I really wish that FOX NEWS AND ALL THEIR CRAZIES would stop the ranting long enough to actually READ THE BIBLE, THE ENTIRE BIBLE and learn that we, as God's children are solely put on this earth to LOVE and SERVE GOD FIRST AND THEN EACH OTHER NO MATTER WHAT!

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