Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Wow, what an emotional day it's been. My baby turned 16 yrs old today. I had him at the DMV bright and early at 8am, by 9:45am we were on our way and he was legally allowed to drive by himself. I did better this time than the first time I took my child to get a license...sorry Jackie:)

My mom at the same time was having a heart cath done. She ended up having to have a stint put in and then (like the first time) almost bled out when they took the cath out....This did not make me very happy, but I think that Lyn did a wonderful job helping mom, for that I love her dearly.

I decided to scrub the bathroom to get my mind off of everything (I know, weird way to get stuff off of one's mind) and I called mom (apparently I wasn't ready to get it off my mind). She started crying and I just about dropped the cleaning supplies and got in my truck to go to Ohio and bring her back here...

I have had a headache for 3 days now, haven't slept more than maybe 10 hours in the last 3 days and I am just a little grumpy.

I sure hope that the weather system causing my sinus headache goes away, I get more than 4 hours sleep at one time and my mood drastically changes or else I feel really sorry for the people I live and work with because I can not be held responsible for what may happen...

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Time's moving a little fast for me!

Time seems to be moving by faster than normal. Time is the only thing that you can't take back and when it slips by un-noticed or worse, not really sucks.

My oldest child is turning 27 yrs old, where in the world has time gone???? I want my baby girl back so I can dress her up and play dolls.....Well, I know I won't get that back, but hopefully, one day, I can play dolls and dress up a grandbaby...(if it's a boy, we can read books and play with race cars:)

My youngest child is turning 16 yrs old, I swear to god it was just last week that he, his brother and I would sit and I would read Dr. Suess books to them and they would belly laugh so hard that I would think they were going to pee on themselves.

I really miss those days now that I have the chance to look back.

So, I vow to slow down and really listen when they talk to me, appreciate everything little thing they do for me and love every minute I have with them.

Monday, July 20, 2009

When you have been married as long as I have..(20 yrs next month!)....a woman learns to anticipate the ups and downs of married can foresee large fights in the making long before they ever happen. My husband has been laid off for 9 months now. He has had ZERO motivation to do anything. For nine months, I have foreseen a large fight about this. I was right. He finally got exercise...because a nice toned body will pay the bills....NOT. So it came to a head this weekend. I told him I was glad he decided to get in shape, I think it's wonderful, should only consume an hour a day...not all freaking day...I told him he could make exercise out of mopping, vacuuming and making the beds for instance and oh yeah, WATCHING won't actually DO anything for you if you are not DOING the exercising with the show....So, if he turns it on when I am home, he better be feeling the burn or I will take the remote and shove it where the sun doesn't shine.

Thursday, July 16, 2009


JC and I went to see the new Harry Potter movie yesterday. I was very excited...I love Harry Potter!!

To say the least I was very disappointed in the movie. It did not even come close to the intensity the book had.

I really hope that when they make HP7...they get it right...

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I got my husband an IPod Nano for his birthday last October. I did not really think through this idea. I assumed that since he loves music (music that I do not like)...he would put his ear plugs in and he would enjoy his music without irritating the hell out of me....I did not,I repeat...DID NOT, count on him not only singing along at the top of his lungs, but months later, find the wonders of google....He is googling lyrics to songs so he sings them correctly...what in the world have I done???

Giving it a try because my daughter said I should.

OK, I am going to try this blogging thing. I don't think I have that much to write about, but we will see.

Here's a recap of the last 5 years. We moved to Louisiana in July of 2004, bought a house here in May of 2005. Went to Florida in 2006 for my daughter's wedding. Started down the turbulent path that my oldest son has chosen to take while simultaneously going down the complete opposite path with my youngest son.

Life isn't always easy here, but it's the best we can do.