Thursday, July 23, 2009

Time's moving a little fast for me!

Time seems to be moving by faster than normal. Time is the only thing that you can't take back and when it slips by un-noticed or worse, not really sucks.

My oldest child is turning 27 yrs old, where in the world has time gone???? I want my baby girl back so I can dress her up and play dolls.....Well, I know I won't get that back, but hopefully, one day, I can play dolls and dress up a grandbaby...(if it's a boy, we can read books and play with race cars:)

My youngest child is turning 16 yrs old, I swear to god it was just last week that he, his brother and I would sit and I would read Dr. Suess books to them and they would belly laugh so hard that I would think they were going to pee on themselves.

I really miss those days now that I have the chance to look back.

So, I vow to slow down and really listen when they talk to me, appreciate everything little thing they do for me and love every minute I have with them.


  1. you're such a good mom, don't regret all the time that's gone by. your kids are still your kids-- even though they're not little and probably don't want you to read dr suess to them, they still love you. :)

  2. I know, it's just amazing how fast time goes by. Treasure your time with your kids while they are little and worship you!

  3. I still worship you mom! I'd never change my was the best.
