Saturday, October 31, 2009

October in Bossier

October has been one crazy month. First, the "secret" I posted about, well, Cathy and I drove to Ohio and surprised my mom & Jackie :)  It was great!  We pulled up in my mom's driveway at the time I usually call her in the mornings on my way to work.  We honked the horn. She looked out the window with a very puzzled look on her face, came out on the porch and then did a "happy dance" was really cute :)  I was going to wait til Jackie got off work and sit on her porch and surprise her but my excitement in being there I just couldn't wait.  Read Jackie's blog for a rundown of the events of the weekend.  I just want to say that it was one of the best visits I have had in Ohio:)

After I got back from Ohio, I got back into the swing of things, work, to say the least, has been a true explosion of stress and I just didn't know how much longer I would be able to keep from having a meltdown.  This past Wednesday night  I woke up at 1:30am and couldn't go back to sleep because of the stress and situation at work, my mind would not let me sleep.

Wednesday morning before we left for work Rob and I were talking and this is how it went:

Me: Work really sucks, I've been up since 1:30am because I couldn't sleep. I talked with Cathy and she said that GM will be bringing on temps.  I told her to put my name in for a referral.

Rob: Your job is going to kill you, quit.

Me:  What? I can't just quit and not have another job! I can't just sit around the house all day doing nothing!

Rob: You're right, you won't sit around doing nothing. I know you will find another job, we will be ok.

Me:  Well, I'm not going to quit yet.

Rob left for work and I finished getting ready and went in.  Let me tell you, I was soooo less stressed knowing that Rob would support me if I quit that even though I hadn't slept all night, I felt good.

Then "Tornado Thursday" hit.  I left work at 2:45pm to go to a physical therapy appoitment.  The weather was starting to get bad, lots of rain.

After my appointment, I considered stopping at Wal-mart for some groceries, but decided on my way home that I didn't want to carry groceries in the rain.  I got home around 4:10pm.

I was arranging some chicken breasts in a casserole dish to bake since we couldn't grill due to the weather when the power went out.  This is how the next 20 minutes went:

Me: Crap! (I look out the window over the kitchen sink and it's looking really stormy.)

Rob, JC and myself walk out into the sunroom (because it's always safe to stand in a room that is enclosed on three sides with windows during a storm) to watch the storm.

Me: WOW, it's getting really bad out there

Rob:  Look at all the pecans swirling in circles.  Oh my, they are pelting the glass, be careful.

We continue to stand there like idiots.  As I look over at the patio and see the stuff out there start to twirl in circles, Rob yells:  TORNADO! RUN!

We all turn and bolt, shoving each other to get to the hall,  Rob yells, "GET IN THE BATHROOM". I yell back, "THERE'S A WINDOW IN THERE, GET IN THE HALL, CLOSE THE DOORS!".

All of our ears pop due to the pressure and the air being sucked up by the tornado, the sound of a freight train coming through our house, then it was over.  This took about, hmm, 3 minutes.

Could have been 3 was FREAKY!

Here's some pictures:

Our back of the pecan tree that barely missed our house.

View of next door neighbor's back yard from our roof. That's their patio roof in our yard

1 comment:

  1. i'm glad dad will support you in whatever you decide to do. dont let your job kill you mom. i love you too much.

    i still cant get over those pictures. i'm so thankful you all are alright.
