Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I wanted to poke the Dr. in the eye

I went to the doctor this morning. It was NOT a good visit.

My insurance is dragging their feet on giving approval for a MRI on my back so I can get the pinched nerve fixed.

My blood work came back and it wasn't very good.

I am now on cholesteral/triglycerite meds, thyroid med, stronger allergy med, "don't smoke" med....

I'm gonna have to get one of those "old people pill dispensers" just to keep track of what I need to take and when!

As I was leaving the doctor said "oh yea, try to work on losing some weight"...if I hadn't been so tired and sick, I would have poked him in the eye.


  1. lol... and he's a male?? when i had a female doc, she was always on me during my pregnancy not to gain weight. now, i have a male doctor with this baby, and i think he fears me and will not say anything about my weight. he knows what's good for him! it's not like we don't know we need to lose weight. we just don't want to hear it, especially from a man!!!

  2. Yea, he's male...still want to poke him in the eye too.

  3. geez, mom...that's about all i can really say. i love you!

    oh yeah...i have one of those "old people pill dispensers" too. i have for awhile. :(
